Sunday, July 8, 2012

Vermont: Where all things quaint and cute live

It's been a busy week in Vermont (my first batch of papers will be due in a few days), but I've managed to find time to enjoy some of its charms. Vermont has such an earthy, rustic, friendly feel. If I could give the state its motto, it would be: Everything's cuter in Vermont. Here's the evidence.

Where school shares its name with
something that comes from the oven.
To those non-Vermonters
who might have doubts that Bread Loaf
is a real place,
not just a figment of my imagination,
let this serve as proof.

Where robins hatch outside
classroom windows.

Where Sunday afternoons are spent
with friends drinking coffees and eating ice cream
at the  Cafe & General Store.

And maple walnut ice cream is always
on the menu.


  1. I was thinking about maple walnut ice cream just yesterday. I wondered about the last time I met some??? Nothing of the sort at Hansens or Four Queens. Have a lick or two for me.

  2. I'll do better than a lick; I'll have a whole cup!
