Sunday, August 26, 2012

Keeping up

"Let 'er roll."

Lucy and Ethel diligently wrap chocolates. The belt speeds up and they move a little faster. Lucy misses a chocolate and so does Ethel. Suddenly, there's panic in their eyes. They abandon their wrapping efforts in favor of hiding evidence of failure in their bras, hats and mouths. 

I thought of this scene several times during the first week of school. I've joined Lucy and Ethel at the conveyor belt.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The Afterglow

I'm back in Missouri and today is the first day of school. Yesterday, I welcomed 125 reporters into the newsroom where I will be editing their work over the next semester. I'm afraid that this may prove to be a very busy fall. In an effort to hang on to some of the calm and joy of the summer, I've compiled some of my favorite scenes. Hopefully, their afterglow will carry me through.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer's end

Right now I am traveling by train and will arrive in Penn Station, New York City, just a few minutes. Tonight, I'll fly back to Missouri. It's been a whirlwind of packing up and saying goodbyes to Vermont friends and teachers and Adirondack family and friends.

I am grateful for a lessened summer workload and anxious to tackle the upcoming semester of coursework at the University of Missouri.

Bread Loaf campus, a sight I will miss

My tanned face after a summer
of outdoor reading and hiking.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finishing the Loaf

My work Bread Loaf work is done for the summer. Here's a review—14 books read along with more supplemental articles than I care to count, five papers written, and two presentations presented. This afternoon I finished a final reflection paper, but the fun and relaxation really started yesterday afternoon when I turned in the 10 page research paper I had been working on all week.

This is more or less how the afternoon went ...

A trip to Bristol Falls where I jumped off the high cliff

Followed by a stop at my favorite ice cream parlor and
a goodbye dinner for one friend who made
an early departure

Ending with my signature hand and foot
goodbye wave after a celebratory bottle
of hard cider

I have two more days of classes and will stay on Bread Loaf Mountain until Saturday to serve the graduation dinner. I plan to pack as much fun into the next week as possible, so there will be more good times coming your way.